Monday, February 23, 2009

Boy am I glad I'm not in Egypt

Well, you're just going to have to accept the erratic layout of this post, because I have neither the time nor the patience to resolve this right now. I started this over an hour ago, and this internet cafe is closing in less than an hour. I've been in Delhi for four days now, and I've been so busy enjoying myself that I haven't had time to post. Also, quite frankly Egypt is the worst place I have ever visited in my entire life, and I'd really rather not dwell on it. OK, well maybe a little. It's not just that it is overpopulated, polluted, and messy; I've been to several countries that would easily fit the description. It's more that the Egyptian people themselves are the nastiest, greediest, most short sighted, thoughtless, shiftless, most disengenuous people I've encountered. It's "every man for themself" there. And I do mean man, because you simply do not meet Egyptian women. Ick. Oh sure, there's the Pyramids, the Sphinx, all of those ancient statues, which are all really amazing, but somehow the whole experience was ruined for me by the general unpleasantness of the place and the people. I will never go back.

India, on the other hand, despite being overpopulated, polluted, and messy, is so much more relaxed. There's a much better vibe here. As my sister said, the Indians just have better karma.

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